0330 124 4399


Environmental policy

Environmental Policy

El Marsh Care Ltd. Environmental Policy

  • To comply with best practice environmental practice.

  • All activities of EL Marsh Care Home Ltd.
  • EL Marsh Care Home Ltd recognises that day-to-day operations can impact both directly and indirectly on the environment.  We aim to protect and improve the environment through good management and by adopting best practices wherever possible. EL Marsh Care Home Ltd will work to integrate environmental considerations into our business decisions and adopt greener alternatives wherever possible, throughout our operations.

In all our activities we aspire to:

  • Comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations.
  • Ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into our business decisions.
  • Prevent pollution to land, air and water.
  • Reduce water and energy use.
  • Minimise waste and increase recycling within the framework of our waste management procedures.
  • Identify and manage environmental risks and hazards.
  • Involve customers, partners, clients, suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives.
  • Promote environmentally responsible purchasing.
  • Adopt a policy of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ in our consumption of resources with sustainability being a key element especially within our administrative centres as well as, where applicable, our care home settings.
  •  Promote awareness amongst our staff of the environmental impact of travel and to reduce the need wherever possible.
  • Provide suitable training to enable employees to deal with their specific areas of environmental control.
  • Improve the environmental efficiency of our transport and travel.
  • To promote a paperless office by encouraging the use of the Intranet, e-library and electronic versions of manuals and discouraging the need for paper copies of emails, policies and procedures.
  • To encourage the use of e-procurement and e-tendering where possible and practical.
  • Regularly review our policies to ensure that they remain properly aligned to the need to reduce waste and encourage the most effective utilisation of scarce resources.
  • Strive to continuously improve our environmental performance.
  • Establish targets to measure the continuous improvement in our environmental performance.

Note: organisation may wish to consider applying ISO 14001 to their business and achieving high standards with recognition for that achievement.